Name: Rowan
Age: 20
Nationality: Dutch


Hi I'm Rowan, a 20 year old game dev and 'artist' from the Netherlands. I'm not in any form of education currently, I've been a dropout since I was 16 due to my mental health declining at that point... not much better now but at least I'm still working on things. some of my hobbies include:

Drawing, I've been drawing for most of my life, trying to make comics and stuff like that haven't gotten very far with any of them but I'd still like to finish one, one day. You can check out some of my drawings under the 'Art' tab

Music, I love listening to music some might not consider that a hobby but I've spent a lot of my time constantly searching for new music. I'll link my page here somewhere so feel free to follow me there lol<3

Graphic Design, Something I'm still learning but I think I've come a long way, though you can judge that for youself just by looking at this website hahah. I've also made some single/album covers for friends might put a few of those under the 'projects' tab.

When I started working on this website, around december of last year I think, I had been suffering from panic attacks basically everyday for while. Every time I got one it felt like I was going to die which in turn made me very afraid of dying. At this point in my life I was pretty hesitant about making/starting new projects because I didn't want to dissapoint myself. But the constant fear of dying and having panic attacks everday kind of pushed me start making things again. which is why I started working on this website, it's one of the few things that could distract me from my constant fears. I've never worked so much in such a short period of time as I did then. In recent times my mental state has improved a bit though with that my motivation has faded a little. I still want to make things and continue working on this website though! So I'll try and update it as much as I can.

Love, Rowan